Day 37 — Get By With A Little Help From My Friends’…
In today’s #40DaysTo40 I share some of the tools that have helped this fool
In addition to some incredible people, there are a few of different products that have helped me start my journey to a more holistically healthy version of myself. These products are mostly suggestions from friends, so I thought I’d pay it forward and share some of the tools I’ve found most useful in my foray into my 40’s. Hey, I’m no Oprah, and these aren’t giveaways, but I have found them helpful and maybe you will too.
I love Audible and iBooks. Without them, i would be a far less well “read” individual. In the past few months I’ve listened to about 15 different digital downloads of amazing books with clever titles and substantive information on how to address many topics, all of which fall into the 4 categories of my #40Daysto40 Challenge (see yesterdays blog post).
A book that has helped me transform my relationship with money from a tragic romance to an action adventure is Jen Sincero’s You Are a Badass at Making Money. Sincero shares her journey from scattered less-than to concise, abundant and informative thought-leader in the financial wellness space. Many of the tools she shares in this book I employ every day in my journey to financial health.
Another book I found helpful, often funny, albeit sometimes annoying (mostly when it hit too close to home) is Sarah Knight’s Get Your Sh*t Together. Sarah’s path from boardroom to beachside (and back — you have to listen) is one many people dream of but rarely attain. Her point, within reason: stop dreaming, start doing. I use a couple of the daily tools she shares in this book as part of my personal and professional development pillar.
Health Products
Because physical health is one of the pillars of my program, eating right is too. There will be a lot more content coming your way, including info on cleanses and discounts on healthy eating books from Lisa Kara of Zinc Nutrition, my co-host on GoodnightSnack. But my morning protein shakes, and occasional afternoon ones, too, have been great at getting my day started well and recharging late afternoon. Here are some of the products that go into this shake:
- HEMP or Plant Based Protein (2–4 tablespoons depending on brand) with fiber
- Cold-pressed Flaxseed Oil (1 tablespoon)
- Frozen organic cauliflower rice (takes the place of ice which waters down the shake nutrients
- Frozen organic tropical fruit
- Frozen organic berries
- Bunch of unsweetened organic coconut milk
I blend the frozen cauliflower rice a bit first on the ice-crush setting. Then add the berries, protein powder, flax oil, more coconut milk. Then blend and stir and blend and stir.
Look, this takes like 15 minutes which makes me realize a) how damn lucky I am to have the 15 minutes to make the shake and b) maybe I could invent the ready-made version of this… nah.
You can find links to some of the products that go in my shake at The Daley Kennedy, and the blender I use to shake it.
What goes in your morning shake? Let me know on Facebook.